The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders,business authorities, and other influential members of this planet.Our collective unites influencers of the world in an unrestrictive and private domain, free of political, religious, and geographical boundaries to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. While our operations require anonymity for the safety of our members, we strive to create a better understanding between us and the people we have been entrusted to protect.
Ensuring the survival of over 7 billion humans is a daunting task. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most established government entities. To continue functioning throughout societal and generational changes, The Illuminati’s operations often require anonymity for both our members and our work.In 2013, the Illuminati authorized the formation of the Department Of Citizen Outreach. Through various initiatives and campaigns, including this website, the modern Illuminati has committed itself to furthering our relationship with our citizens. You may not find us praised in any history book or document. However, the Illuminati has helped with every major movement on this planet since the first human government was established. Our work is often marked by distinct symbols as a means of tracing our influence through history for those wishing to investigate. With gentle guidance from our organization, the human species is allowed to function in their natural order while playing the part of gears in a machine for the betterment of the world.
This planet is vast and its inhabitants are many. Even the most powerful of world leaders can hardly keep their own people from self-destruction and civil unrest — leaders who are responsible for the protection of mere countries, not continents or planets. Though the Illuminati’s joint power and technological developments far outweigh those held by any single leader, our organization is still bound by the physical laws of this universe.
The Illuminati has no beliefs but only empowerment and self enrichment of people. The Illuminati is not a church, religion, political group, or charity organization. We operate solely for living a life of abundance without limits. Our way and path is for self sacrifice. Without making sacrifices, we live a life of fear, poverty.Illuminatiam introduces time-tested spiritual processes that lead to increasing wealth, overcoming hardships, and finding happiness.
Being a full member is a simple process you are only asked to purchase some items needed for your initiation so that you can start getting your benefit illuminati pray for protection upon his children you will need to get those initiated items so that you can become a full member once you become a full member no man on earth can harm you you are already be protected by the illuminati those items are the only requirements
Note:The illuminati is an organization that does not kill, steal and destroy. But we build lives to ensure that people who live in this world are bless. And are living fine.. We ensure safety to individuals.and they can make you become rich and famous in life okay.
1. A Cash reward worth 6.5 million dollars
THE ILLUMINATI IS AN ELITE ORGANIZATION OF WORLD POLITICAL LEADERS,BUSINESS OWNERS, ENTERTAINMENT CELEBRITIES AND OTHER INFLUENTIAL MEMBERS OF THIS PLANET.The Illuminati is a popular topic name given to several groups, both real (historical) and fictitious. Historically the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776. In more modern contexts the name refers to a purported conspiratorial organization which is alleged to mastermind events and control world affairs through governments and corporations to establish a New World Order. In this context the Illuminati are usually represented as a modern version or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Illuminati are generally powerful and rich people, not a lot of celebrities are members of the Illuminati. Just because the Illuminati controls the music and film industries, does not mean that all celebrities are members. The original purpose of forming the Illuminati was to gain both world power and control. They would do this by recruiting members who have fame, fortune, and power (aka the elite) and use these people like puppets to influence ordinary people.
Note:The illuminati is an organization that does not kill, steal and destroy. But we build lives to ensure that people who live in this world are bless. And are living fine.. We ensure safety to individuals.and they can make you become rich and famous in life okay.
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The Illuminati are generally powerful and rich people, not a lot of celebrities are members of the Illuminati. Just because the Illuminati controls the music and film industries, does not mean that all celebrities are members. Celebrities do not sell their souls to become famous, the Illuminati believe in God, they just fear God. Sources claim that the Illuminati will kill anyone, anywhere at anytime to get what they need. The people that are “Anti-New World Order” and speak out against the Illuminati will be murdered like 2Pac, and most recently, Michael Jackson. 2Pac and Michael Jackson were going to warn the entire world about what the Illuminati are planning. If you look at the title of 2Pac’s album “The Don Killuminati” for example; 2Pac was referring to the Illuminati in this title, Kill + Illuminati. According to sources, the Illuminati have killed 2Pac, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Jon Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, John F. Kennedy, Abe Lincoln, Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, the list goes
If you are an Illuminati and you have a task that needs to be completed, you can be assured other Illuminati will rise to the occasion and help you to achieve that goal. They will use every resource that they have to contribute to the campaign. When work has to be done, you can count of your fellow Illuminati to be there to get your back. a task that needs to be completed, you can be assured other Illuminati will rise to the occasion and help you to achieve that goal. They will use every resource that they have to contribute to the campaign. When work has to be done, you can count of your fellow Illuminati to be there to get your back.